Ways to Start Giving Back to the Animals!

I’ve always been an advocate of helping out the animals, and I have gotten a lot of questions on ways people can help out too. Too many animals are left out there used and abused, and with your help we can help bring them health, happiness, and a forever home!

Here are some ways you can help out:

  • Donate to a local humane society or The Humane Society of the United States. Your generous donations will go towards rescuing animals and providing the medical attention and love they need to become healthy and adoptable pets.

  • Donate your time to a local shelter or rescue. Most shelters love having volunteer’s walk dogs at lunch, spend time with the cats grooming, cleaning cages, making toys, whatever is helpful to give these animals a loving space while they wait for their future pet parents.

  • Provide food, leashes, bowls, any type of helpful pet product to a local or national rescue/shelter. If you are unable to provide your time, they would love to have some useful items that will help in their everyday.

  • Adopt or foster a pet. Obviously, if you are in the position to provide a loving, healthy, and happy home for a pet — adoption is the best way to help :) however, fostering a pet can sometimes be overlooked and is very helpful in the end. Fostering can help with overcrowded shelters, and often get a scared pet used to a home setting before adopting.

  • Create a donation drive and be an advocate. Spread the word to family and friends of a goal you want to hit — money, time, products — for this great cause and get everyone on board to help.

  • If you own a business, you can have some profits go towards an animal foundation/shelter/rescue of your choice.

  • Look at other animal-type ways to help out. Local zoo’s often need help with their animals; charities will have fundraisers or events you can be a part of that will contribute to their purpose.

Overall, whether you want to give money, time, or a house to an animal in need, there are so many ways to help out. Hope this inspires you to get out there and see how you can personally make an animals life a little better today :)

ALSO — please comment below if you’d like to be part of my monthly donation to a local animal shelter that is being highlighted. Every month, I will pick a local animal shelter or rescue across the world and provide either donations or product to them with the generous donations given by the PPP community! Anything that can be provided will help :)