I struggle with my balancing poses during my yoga practice, so I often will focus purely on some balancing poses and sequences to work on my weaknesses! As hard as it can be sometimes to work on what you’re not the best at, it’s important as we all know. I fall out a lot in these. I can’t hold them for that long — yet. But I know if I keep working on them bits at a time, as much as I can, things will start to improve. Might be baby steps, but it’s a start!
Moving from one balance pose to another is the hardest for me, so this little sequence does just that to get me to practice that transition flow :)
Poses I focus on here:
just lots of stretching and bending and twisting before, in between and after each leg sequence
knee to nose squeezers and floating my leg when knee to elbow taps (from plank or three legged dog)
crescent warrior
airplane into standing - then into single legged chair into single legged crow
half moon into king dancer into dancing shiva
standing splits
chair pose
prayer twist from chair pose into side crow
balancing with leg out in front and to side
tree pose
head or handstand
floating table - work that core!
again remember to stretch when done - gentle backbends, threading needle feels good in shoulders and back, hero’s pose for all that quad work, spinal twists and of course savasana!
Took me around 20 minutes with a nice little savasana at the end :)